The home of the Fox Cubs!
Hello Everyone!!
Hello and welcome to our special page for Nursery, known as the 'Fox Cubs' class! The place where children have lots of fun learning through play!
In Nursery, Miss Harrison is the class teacher, Mrs Tomlinson, Mrs Rowley and Miss Kean are the Early Years Practitioners who will be working with the children throughout the week.
We want your child to be happy and to enjoy learning so if you have any questions or concerns please come and see us!
Please don't hesitate to get in touch with any question no matter how big or small. Email me at I know this year will be another amazing year in our Fox Cubs class with lots of learning and laughter happening!!
Meet the Fox Cubs Team
Miss K Harrison - Nursery Teacher/ EYFS co-ordinator
Mrs L Rowley - EYFS Practitioner
Miss S Kean - EYFS Teaching Assistant
Our topic this term is

Magical Monsters
Here are some ideas to start with and we will continue to add to them as we go through the half term! We base our learning on a book/theme each week linked to our topic. Within this we also follow the principles of 'planning in the moment' which means that the children guide our learning following their interests and so every day is full of surprises!!
Spring 1 - Week 1
What did we do at Christmas time? What happened to Stickman? Where did Stickman go? Where did Stickman come from? What can we use sticks for? What season are we in? What signs of winter can we find? Who is in your family? Where do you like to travel to?
This week we are going to start a new topic which is called 'Magical Monsters'!! We will be finding out about different stories and characters in books written by Julia Donaldson and the illustrator Axel Scheffler!
Our first book will be 'Stickman'! This is the perfect book to do after Christmas as it allows us to revisit the Christmas magic as Stickman tries to get back to his family in time for Christmas! We will be recounting our own Christmas time and share with our friends what we did and maybe what Santa bought us!
During the book Stickman has lots of adventures in different places so we will be exploring what different environments are such as the park, the town and the seaside. We will explore what features we could find in these places and how they are similar as well as different! We will use these places to make a story map to show the journey that Stickman has been on and use this in the message centre to mark make our ideas!
In the creative station we will be painting pictures of Stickman's family as well as our own family and discuss how all families are special and we don't all need to be the same! We will also use tree branches to have a go at making our own stick person!
Spring 1 - Week 2
The Gruffalo
What is a Gruffalo? Would you be scared of a Gruffalo? What scares us? Where does a Gruffalo live? What does a Gruffalo look like? What would you expect to find in a forest/woodland? What animals live in the forest/woodland? What do you like about the Gruffalo crumble?
This week we are learning through a very well known story - The Gruffalo! They say that there is no such thing as a Gruffalo but we know different! This favourite book character has been around for many years and we love reading this story so it will be great to return to it and to look at it in more detail!
We will look at the character of the Gruffalo and make our own Gruffalo using a brown paper bag as the main part of the Gruffalo's body. We will then use the descriptions from the story book to add on the extra details including the purple prickles on his back and the poisonous wart on the end of his nose! It will be great to see the designs from the children and what materials they choose to use!
In the calculation corner we will be playing matching games using the different characters from the story as well as counting different amounts of purple prickles onto the back of the Gruffalo using the Numicon!
In the adventure island we will be investigating what a woodland setting would look like and what type of animals would live here. We will find out more about what they look like, where they live and what type of food they would normally eat. I am sure it would not be a Gruffalo crumble which we will make and send home for the children to eat! Yummy yummy!!
Spring 1 - Week 3

The Gruffalo's Child
What is the Gruffalo’s child like? What could be our midnight feast? Why should we follow rules? How can we make shadows? How can we be a good friend to people of all ages? What does being brave mean? What gives us light at night time?
This week we are extending our learning about the Gruffalo by reading the story of 'The Gruffalo's Child'! We will find out where the Gruffalo and the Gruffalo's child lives - in a cave and have a go at doing our own cave drawings using charcoal in the message centre! We will also be exploring making shadows using torches in the dark cave. I wonder what shapes we can create and if we can retell the story using the puppets! As well as exploring torches we will be finding out about other light sources there are such as a lamp and a candle.
In the Message Centre we will be thinking about what food we could have as a midnight feast in the Gruffalo cave. There will be lots of food for us to explore and then we will mark make our ideas using a range of media and materials!
In our circle times we will be exploring our Nursery rules and discuss why we have rules and why we need to follow them to keep everyone safe and to help everyone know what behaviour is expected. We will discuss why it was wrong of the Gruffalo's child who sneaked out of the Gruffalo cave whilst also looking at how she was brave and discussing when have we been brave??
Spring 1 - Week 4

Zog/Chinese New Year
What happens at Chinese New Year? Which animals had a race? What vegetables are in our stir fry? What did Zog do? What accidents did Zog have? How could we help Zog? What would Zog enjoy if he came to our school? What would you like your dragon to look like?
This week we will be learning through another Julia Donaldson book - Zog as well learning about the festival of Chinese New Year!
This week is Chinese New Year and we will be exploring why this festival is celebrated. We will be recreating the race that the 12 animals had by making our own obstacle course in the EYFS outside area and taking on the role of the different animals. This year it is the year of the snake which we will investigate further as well as the other 11 animals!
We will find out how this festival is celebrated by watching clips to see how other children celebrate this. After this we will also have a go at Chinese writing in the Message Centre and in the Calculation Corner to record Chinese numerals! We will also watch clips about dragon dancing and have a go at making our own dragons and taking part in a dragon dance! For snack on Friday we will prepare and taste a Chinese stir fry using a range of vegetables and noodles! Which vegetables would you like to eat?
After finding about dragons as part of our learning about Chinese New Year we will read the story of 'Zog' who is a dragon who tries so hard to win a star in Dragon School! We will share ideas about how we would Zog if he came to Coppice and look at how he has the determination to succeed which is a good quality to have!
Spring 1 - Week 5

Room on the Broom
Who is the witch and her friend the dragon? Who catches a lift on the witch’s broom? What magical skills would we want? How can we be a good friend and help each other? How would you like to travel? What could we put in a magical potion? How does the witch feel at different times in the story.
This is one of our most favourite stories in Nursery (especially for Miss Harrison who loves retelling the story using different voices!). We will have a role play area in the classroom with lots of props so we can all practise retelling the story using a large story map with our talk for writing actions! We will look at different emotions that the witch feels at various parts in the story!
In the Water World we will have lots of different sized cauldrons and magic wands so we can explore making our own magic potions! What would you put in a magic potion? What would be your magic spell? We cannot wait to find out! In the Message Centre we will mark make the different items we are putting in our potions!
We will explore the different characters who travel on the broom and think about other characters or people could travel on the broom. We will then become illustrators and draw these on the broom. Before we do this we will find out more about the illustrator, Axel Scheffler and how he has created the different characters in the stories we have already been exploring!
Spring 1 - Week 6

The Smartest Giant in Town
What would it be like if we were a giant? Why was George sad? How could we make him happy? What clothes do you like to wear? What clothes would we wear in the winter? What would we wear in the summer time? What different shops could we find in a town? How could we help other people?
For our final text of the term we will be learning through the story of 'The Smartest Giant in Town'! We will explore the different emotions that George the Giant feels during the story and why he feels sad and unhappy at times and how he feels when he helps the other animals during the story when he shares his clothes with them. We will use this as a good example about why we should be sharing our toys with each other.
We will explore what it would be like to be a giant and think about what is giant size in our classroom and in our outside area! What do you think we will find?? We will think about what we would like to do if we were a giant. In the Home Sweet Home area we will have different sized clothes which we need to sort before washing them and then peg them out on the washing line! We will also explore which of the clothes are suitable for the summer time and which clothes are suitable to wear in the winter time like it is now!
In the Adventure Island we will be exploring different shops that we could find in the town where George goes and compare it to the town we are in, Heanor!
Topic Web
To see the full topic web for this half term please click on the link below
Nursery Spring One topic plan overview - Magical Monsters
Knowledge Organiser
To see the Knowledge Organiser for this half term please click on the link below
Nursery Spring One Knowledge Organiser - Magical Monsters
Nursery Dates
Here are the dates we have so far for this half term. We will continue to add to them as the half term progresses. Also remember to check your weekly newsletter!
6th January - Nursery/school reopens for the new term!
15th January – KS1 and EYFS classes to attend the reading café
15th January – Fox Cubs stay and play session (straight after the reading café session)
4th February - Level One workshop for parents at 11.00am/11.15am
11th February – Internet Safety day
14th February – Last day of term
24th February - INSET Day - Nursery/school closed
25th February - Start of the new term!
The Early Years Foundation Stage
In Nursery we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage which is organised into seven areas of learning. These seven areas are as follows:
PSED - Personal, social, emotional development (developing self confidence and self awareness, making relationships as well as managing behaviour and feelings).
CL - Communication and Language (speaking, listening and understanding)
PD - Physical development (moving and handling as well as health and self care)
LIT - Literacy (reading and writing)
MATHS - Mathematics (numbers, shape, space and measures)
UW - Understanding the World (people and communities, the world and technology)
EAD - Expressive Arts and Design (exploring and using media and materials as well as being imaginative!)
Our School Values
We are very excited to be starting work on our new values system when we come back in school in January. The whole school will focus on the twelve values during the year whereas in Nursery we will focus on four of these values on a regular basis through the year - co-operation, achieving, respectful and enthusiastic. Our first value will be Respect. We will cover this in all aspects of Nursery and we will be expecting this to be demonstrated to all members of our Coppice community, it is important that even when we move onto a new value, the old one isn’t lost.
Each week on our Nursery newsletter, Miss Harrison will share which value we are working on in Nursery and what you can work on at home. We cannot wait for you to share how your child has demonstrated the values through proud clouds and on Tapestry! We look forward to seeing our children bright and early ready to embrace the new weekly challenges!
Nursery newsletters
We have a weekly newsletter which will keep everyone informed about what we are doing and what we will be learning about in the future. The newsletter will come home every Friday but we will also put a copy here on our web page.
Friday 20th December 2024 Newsletter
Parent Partnership
We believe in having a good partnership with parents and carers. Together we can help your child to become a happy and successful learner!
Topic Challenges
Challenges for your child to work on with you during the topic. The children will receive a certificate for completing the challenges if they earn 6 or more points:
1 point – Find a book with magical monsters in it.
2 points – Practise putting on and zipping own coat (school starters)
- Starting to put on coat on (January starters)
3 points – Practise writing own name (school starters).
- Starting to write some letters from own name (January starters)
4 points – Create a picture of a magical monster.
Learning journeys
During the last few years we have developed the way that we collect observations about what your child can do during their time in Nursery. Your child will have a gorgeous book called 'My Little Book of Adventures' where we put in evidence of what your child has been learning! As part of this we will be using an app called 'Tapestry' on our iPads to take photographs of your child completing different activities and make notes about what they are doing. One of the best features of this is that we can email you all the evidence we collect! You can also let us know of any 'wow' moments you witness at home. We will be sending home an information letter and permission form for this during the beginning of September!
We also love to hear what your child has achieved at home and so we ask you fill in proud clouds and share them with us!
Proud cloud letter - September 2024
Proud cloud template - September 2024
Have a question or concern?
We understand that there are times when you might have a question or concern! We have an open door policy in our school and you are always welcome to come and speak to any member of staff. Alternatively you can ring school on 01773 712840 or email me at kharrison4@ and we will do all we can to help.
Our Nursery
Here is our latest Nursery booklet which contains all the information about our Nursery
Updated version coming soon!
School readiness
Over the year we will be preparing your child for their start in Reception. Is your child ready to start Reception? The following are some of the skills that your child is expected to be able to do as they begin their journey into Reception but remember we have a whole year to prepare them.
Is your child ready for Reception?
Stay and Play sessions
Each term we have a stay and play session so parents, carers and other family member can join us in Nursery to see what we do. The children love showing everyone their classroom and the type of activities we do every day in Nursery. We always end with an activity for both children and adults. This could be a story, a squiggle, a dough disco or a dance! Who knows!! We like to keep it a surprise!!
Our next Stay and play session is Wednesday 15th January at 11.00am!
Helping at home!
There are lots of things you can do to help your child. Below are some ideas of what you can do which are quick and easy and will help your child consolidate skills we have taught in school. If you would like any help or support please ask any member of EYFS staff. We would be more than happy to help with ideas!
Letters and Sounds
Level 1 Aspect 1 (Environmental Sounds) booklet - Ideas for parents to use at home.
Level 1 Aspect 2 (Instrumental Sounds) booklet - Ideas for parents to use at home.
Level 1 Aspect 3 (Body percussion) booklet - Ideas for parents to use at home.
Spend time sharing lots of books together. Practise holding the books the correct way round and turning the pages in order. Encourage your child to talk about the pictures and to support them in making their own stories using the pictures.
At this stage the children will be making lots of marks using a range of writing tools such as felt tips, pens and paint. Encourage your child to talk about what their marks mean. As your child becomes more confident in holding writing tools support them in writing their names on invitations and cards.
Nursery Always Skills for Writing
By the end of nursery your child is expected to be able to say a sentence with 5 to 8 words in it and hold a pencil using a 'tripod' grip.
Nursery Literacy non-negotiables
Play board games such as 'snakes and ladders' to encourage your child to count spaces to move their counters forwards or backward. When you are walking as the children to count how many foot steps from one place to another and ask the children to identify different numbers they see on doors or buses.
By the end of nursery your child is expected to be able to recite numbers to 5, recognise numerals 1 to 3, count 3 to 4 objects and make marks to represent their counting.
Nursery Numeracy non-negotiables
Life skills
Encourage your child to put on and fasten their own coat, to put on their own shoes and to get dressed and undress by themselves. Remind them to wash their hands after going to the toilet and before eating a meal. When eating encourage your child to use a knife and fork correctly.