Coppice Primary

Planting the seeds of
growth and





Ladybirds Class 

Hello and welcome to our special page for year one class, known as the 'Ladybirds' class! 

We want your child to be happy and to enjoy learning so if you have any questions or concerns please come and see us! Don't hesitate to get in touch with any question no matter how big or small. Email me at

All year we will be working towards meeting the end of year expectations for year one. Please click here to view these.

 Meet the Staff 

Mrs A Anderton - Year One class teacher

Mrs S Fowkes - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Stafford - Teaching Assistant

In Year One, Mrs Anderton is the class teacher. She will be supported by Mrs Fowkes all day, every day. In addition to this in a morning we will be supported by Miss Stafford.

Mrs Jephson is the Key Stage One Co-ordinator who will be popping in lots to check we are having lots of fun whilst we learn.  

Mrs Anderton will have one afternoon a week of PPA and this will usually be covered by Mrs Hussain. 

General Information

In a morning the gates will be open between 8.35am and 8.40am.  Please say goodbye to your children on the playground and they will walk around to enter the classroom via the cloakroom.  Parents are not allowed to accompany them from the playground.

Learning Information

Our topic this term is ‘happily ever after’. An overview (knowledge organiser) of this half term’s topic can be found by clicking here.

As a key stage, we like to inform parents about the types of things we will be covering in each topic in a little more detail. To access our parents' medium term plan overview please click here.

This half term we will continue to learn through a broad and balanced curriculum. Click here to see our Spring 1 weekly timetable. PE this half term is on a Wednesday and a Friday. Please wear your PE uniform on these days and make sure that earrings are removed.

As always, homework is set at the start of a half term and is due in the last week of half term. Click here to see this half term’s homework.

Topic Overview

This half term’s topic ‘Happily Ever After’ is heavily focussed on geography and history. By the end of the unit the ‘sticky knowledge’ we want our children to remember is:

  1. I know who the King of England is.
  2. I can name three past King’s and Queen’s.
  3. I can identify three features of castles.

Below is a brief summary of what we will be learning each week.


Week 1: Who is the King of England and Where does he live?

We will begin our topic by coming to school dressed as a King, Queen, Prince or Princess and discuss whether they are dressed as a real King or Queen or a fictional one. Do we know of any real King and Queens? We will have lots of discussions around the questions ‘What do we know about them? What is their job?’ 

Then we will learn all about King Charles III. When did he become the King? Why did he become the King? Where does he live? Does he always live in the same place or does he live in a few places?

This week,  the children will use an atlas to locate the four countries of the UK, label them on a map and locate where King Charles III has residences. 

Week 2: Why did Monarchs build castles?

This week we will think about why Kings and Queens live in castles and not ordinary houses. What is special about castles? How did the castles protect and defend them?

This week we will learn about different parts of a castle and what the job of each part is,

The children will then have the opportunity to use a range of media including lego and duplo to make castles.

Week 3: Who were the Kings and the Queens of the past?

This week we will be thinking about how we find out about the past.

We will be learning about the monarchs of the past and find out about all of Queen Elizabeth’s past including all the castles she lived at.

This week we will be creating timelines to show occurrences from Queen Elizabeth’s life.

Week 4: Who was Queen Victoria and where did she live?

This week we will be focussing on using historical sources to understand more about the past.

We will be looking at Queen Victoria and thinking about the chronology of her, Queen Elizabeth, King Charles and other monarchs. Yet again, we will be exploring this on a timeline!

We will then become history detectives and start fact finding ourselves!

Week 5: Who was the first Queen Elizabeth?

This week we will be focussing on another monarch, Elizabeth I. We will be adding her to our timeline of monarchs and start to using our prior knowledge to find similarities and differences between monarchs.

How are Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria similar? Different?

Week 6: Why do we remember King William I?

Another week and another monarch! This week is focussing on King William I. We will think about when he was King and how long he reigned for.

Our big question this week is why do we remember him. We will learn about him being the first King of England, him winning the battle of Hastings in 1066, him being known as William the Conqueror and that he built lots of castles for defence.

We will then spend time exploring some photographic sources of evidence and consider what they teach us about the past and William I using our detective skills.

This term's topic information and IMPORTANT vocabulary

Art / DT This half term we will be focussing on sculpture. We will look at famous artists’, crafter makers’ and designers’ work and describe them including their similarities and differences. We will then try and use their work to inspire our own. We will explore a range of materials to make different sculptures. We will continue to reflect on our work and develop and share ideas throughout the lessons. Of course, our final pieces of work will be on display for you to see!

sculpture, shape, form, mould, roll, squeeze.


This half term our science topic is ‘every day materials’. We will be thinking about the different materials things can be made from. We will be distinguishing the difference between an object and the material it is made from. We will be thinking about the properties of materials and learning some new vocabulary including waterproof, flexible and transparent. We will be sorting materials by their properties and then be using our knowledge of this to pick materials to use in different experiments such as which material would be good to mend a hole in an umbrella? Why?

Object, material, properties, natural, man made, wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, rock, hard, soft, stretchy, stiff, shiny, dull, rough, smooth, bendy, not bendy, flexible, waterproof, absorbent, transparent, opaque,

PSHCE This half term is ‘Difference and Diversity’. Attached to this letter is our knowledge organiser which tells you in lots of detail what we will be learning about and how you can support your child at home. difference, diversity, respect, opinions, similarities, groups, unique. 
Computing This half term we will be completing the ‘animated stories’ unit from Purple Mash. Children will be learning the difference between an e-book and a traditional book, how to add animations to pages, how to add music to pages, how to add voices and sound effects to pages, how to add backgrounds to pages and how to copy and paste pages. We can’t wait to share these with you!. Feel free to practise using Purple Mash at home using your child’s log in card. algorithms, instructions, forwards, backwards, left, right, direction, undo, debug, sort. 

This half term we will be exploring the key question ‘Who is Jewish and what do they believe?’ This unit will allow us to explore Judaism. By the end of the unit we will know that a mezuzah in the home reminds Jewish people of God, that a Shabbat is a special day of the week for Jewish people and we will know how Jewish people celebrate Shabbat.

kippah, Jewish, belief, The Torah, payer shawl, Star of David, Hanukkah, rabbi, prayer, Elijah’s cup, synagogue, seder plate, Shabbat, mezuzah.
PE This half term your child will have PE with a sports coach on a Wednesday for Gymnastics and PE on a Friday with myself which will be mini golf. 

place stretch push pull hop skip step spring crawl still slowly tall long wide narrow up down forwards high low elbows bottom back around through extension roll copy pathway along jump land balance tension curved straight zig-zag shape over hang grip, Travel, stillness direction space beginning middle end feelings body parts levels directions pathways speed rhythm


This half term we will be building upon the drumming skills we learnt with the coach in Reception

 rhythm, pulse, beat,
Geography This topic is heavily focussed on Geography and History. Please see the above weekly overviews for what we will be covering. countries, England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Edinburgh, London, Cardiff, Belfast, North, South, East, West, direction, capital cities, castle, landmark, features, key
History This topic is heavily focussed on Geography and History. Please see the above weekly overviews for what we will be covering. Elizabeth I, past, change, throne, monarch, turret, drawbridge, moat, lance, dungeon, sword, knight, ramparts, portcullis, tower, shield.


In Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation (SPAG) this half term we will be focussing on

  • Stage 2 building single clause sentences pronoun focus
  • Subject/verb focus application
  • Subject/verb application pronoun focus
  • Tenses – past and present

In Whole Class Reading we will be focussing on texts linked to our literacy lessons.

In these lessons we will focus on a range of skills including:

  • Reading with expression and using intonation, making sure we use punctuation to support us.
  • Exploring new vocabulary to use in our writing
  • Retrieving information from what we have read
  • Sequencing events that we have read about
  • Inferring extra information using the clues we have spotted in the text
  • Predicting what may happen next or the information we will read about under each subheading
  • We will also be having a big focus on understanding the difference between fiction and non-fiction and looking at all the features we would find in non-fiction books

All of these skills will be introduced through our reading dog characters!

In Literacy we will be exploring lots of genres and be given a wide variety of writing opportunities.

  • Week 1 – Cinderella – sequencing and retelling a story
  • Week 2 – Cinderella – writing letters in character
  • Week 3 – The Gingerbread Man – using talk for writing to retell a traditional story
  • Week 4 – Making gingerbread men – instruction writing
  • Week 5 – Snow White – writing character descriptions
  • Week 6 – Snow White – retelling the story and innovating part of the story ourselves!


We will teach phonics to the whole class together and will run same day intervention sessions for children requiring further consolidation to help them to keep up.

 Here are some helpful documents which we have shared before:

Twinkl Phonics Level 5 Information for parents 

Meet the Level 5 Twinkl phonics family! 

Letter formation guidance

Below we will attach parent information sheets which will explain the learning for each week in phonics so you can support your child at home.

We have now started level 5 phonics. This half term we are focussing on:

Week 1 – Revision and Assessment Week - no new learning

Week 2 – Level 5 week 11 ir saying ur

Week 3 – Level 5 week 12 ue saying oo and yoo

Week 4 – Level 5 week 13 ew saying yoo and oo

Week 5 – Level 5 week 14 y saying ee

Week 6 – Level 5 week 15 aw and au saying or



In school we will listen to your child read their reading book at least once every week, please make sure that it is in school every day.  Please support your child with reading by listening to them read regularly at home.  Just a couple of pages every day makes a huge difference to their confidence.  Remember to record on the Go read app or Boom reader website every time you hear your child read.  Reading is the most important piece of homework you can do with your child at this age as reading is the key that unlocks all other areas of learning.  To be successful writers, children first have to be confident and successful readers so your support is invaluable.

Helping with Literacy at Home

You can help your child at home by:

  • Practising common exception words - reading and spelling. Click here to view year one common exception words.
  • Talk about what they are learning in class that week.
  • Encourage your child to read out any writing they complete at home to check it makes sense.
  • Read with your child at least 3 times a week.

Please click here to see our year 1 literacy non-negotiables


Instead of following White Rose Learning Scheme of Learning we are now completing a spiral curriculum to ensure the children are exposed to each objective more than once. This helps the children retain learning and build fluency and confidence. The objectives we will looking at this half term are:

  • Counting to and from 20
  • Understanding the value of 10 (including number bonds to 10)
  • Understanding 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 (partitioning in to tens and ones, and using our number bond knowledge)
  • Working out 1 more than a given number
  • Working our 1 less than a given number
  • Using the number line to 20
  • Estimating on a number line to 20
  • Comparing numbers to 20
  • Ordering numbers to 20
  • Adding by counting on within numbers to 20
  • Adding ones using number bonds
  • Finding and making number bonds to 20
  • Working out doubles
  • Working out near doubles
  • Subtracting ones using number bonds
  • Subtracting by counting back
  • Subtracting by finding the difference
  • Working out related facts (addition and subtraction fact families)
  • Solving missing number bonds (addition and subtraction)
  • Recognising half an object or shape
  • Finding half an object or shape
  • Recognising half of a quantity
  • Finding half of a quantity
  • Unitising linked to money
  • Recognising coins
  • Recognising notes
  • Counting coins

In addition to these objectives covered in maths lessons we will also have daily counting stick practise focussing on our chanting of the 2s, 5s and 10s times tables.

Helping with maths at Home

  • Talking about the learning they have done in class.
  • Practise counting to 20 forwards and backwards
  • Practising counting in 2's, 5's and 10's
  • Practise recalling addition, subtraction and number facts to 10 and then to 20.
  • Encouraging your child to count - add money, count out objects, calculate how many will be left, estimate how many there are etc

    Please click here to see our year 1 maths non-negotiables

Our Coppice CARE Values

C stands for: cooperation, committed and considerate

A stands for: accepting, aspirational and achieving

R stands for: respectful, responsible and resilience

E stands for: excellent, empathetic and enthusiastic

Each week we have a new value – 12 in total.  The children will have an assembly Monday morning about how to show and give respect to others both in school and at home!  We will be expecting this to be demonstrated to all members of our Coppice community. It is important that even when we move onto a new value, the old one isn’t lost.

Children can achieve their bronze, silver and gold awards for the core values awards throughout the year for each core value. We will of course keep you informed about how your child is getting on with this throughout the year.

Each week Mrs Seaton will send out a Newsletter that will reflect the value we are working on so that it can also be supported at home.  We look forward to seeing our children bright and early ready to embrace the new weekly challenges!

Important Diary Dates

  • Monday 6th January  – First day of term for the children
  • Wednesday 15th January - Key Stage 1 Reading Cafe (letter to follow)
  • Tuesday 21st January - Year 1 trip to Warwick Castle (Please make sure you are aware of the drop off and collection times)
  • Tuesday 11th February - Safer Internet Day
  • Friday 14th February - last day of Spring 1 Term
  • Monday 24th February - INSET day school closed to children
  • Tuesday 25th February - First day of Spring 2 Term for children