Coppice Primary

Planting the seeds of
growth and


Hello and welcome to the class page for Hedgehogs class, formerly known as Year 2.

 Meet the Staff 

Miss C Jephson - Year Two class teacher (Monday, Tuesday and                          Wednesday) and KS1 co-ordinator.

Mrs M Deverill - Year Two class teacher (Wednesday, Thursday and                      Friday)

Mrs J Parker - Teaching Assistant

Mrs S Tullett - Teaching Assistant

Miss P Frost - Teaching Assistant

Miss H Richards - Teaching Assistant

Miss Jephson and Mrs Deverill are the class teachers in Hedgehogs class. We also have a dedicated team of teaching assistants working with children in our class at different times during the day.  Mrs Parker will be working in class every day.  Mrs Tullett and Miss Richards will also be supporting children in Hedgehogs class during the morning.

 In a morning the gates will be open between 8.35am and 8.40am.  Please say goodbye to your children on the playground and they will  walk around to enter the classroom via the cloakroom.  Parents are not allowed to accompany them from the playground.

This term’s topic;

Fire! Fire!

Spring 2 Homework Tasks

Fire! Fire! Knowledge Organiser



 PE this term is on a Tuesday and a Friday.  Please wear your PE uniform on these days and ensure that earrings are removed. 

Week 1

INSET day 



 Week 2

What caused the Great Fire of London and where did it start?  Where is London?


We will create a timeline of our own lives and then place the Great Fire of London on the correct place on a timeline.   We will revisit the map of the UK and locate London before looking at landmarks in London.

Week 3

Who was Samuel Pepys and why was he important to help us learn about the Great Fire?


We will learn about different sources of evidence and their role in helping us to learn about events in history. We will learn about Samuel Pepys - an eyewitness to the Great Fire of London.

 Week 4

Why did the fire spread so far and stay alight for so long?  How did they try and put out the fire and what would they do today?


We have learnt through our prior work that in 1666 in London, the houses were built out of wood and were close together and this is one of the reasons why the fire spread.  We will learn more about how they tried to fight the fire and the changes made to fire fighting and London following this event.

Week 5

How do fire engines move?  How can I fix broken wheels?


 We will investigate wheels and axles and look at scenarios where wheels don't turn properly.  We will apply our knowledge of wheels and axles to suggest how to fix the problems.

Week 6

Can you design a vehicle that will be effective in fighting fires?  Can you build a fire engine that moves?  Can you evaluate your fire engine against your design brief?


We will design and build our own fire engines.  The fire engines will have round wheels which are attached to an axle and the design will include an axle holder.  



 This half term we will be be doing design technology.  We will be designing and building our own moving fire engines, looking at the use of axles and wheels.




 Our Science work for this half term focuses on materials and their properties. We will be carrying out investigations to find which material will protect Humpty Dumpty from his fall and which materials are best for the Three Little Pigs to build a house from. 


Image result for pshe

This half term we will be looking at a unit of work on being safe. This work involves internet safety, water safety, the Green Cross Code and looking at the NSPCC work on PANTS rules and the Pantosaurus link.

Being Safe Sticky Knowledge Mat



We will use Purple Mash to present ideas in different ways.  We will use the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and will present it in different ways; through a mind map, a quiz and an ebook.  We will create our own quiz about a topic or story we are familiar with and we will create a non-fiction fact file about the United Kingdom.



 This half term we will be exploring the question 'Who is a Muslim and what do they believe?'.  We will be visiting the Jamia Mosque in Derby on Monday 27th January to enhance our learning about Islam.


 This term we will do football on a Tuesday with Mr Singh and dance on a Friday with Mrs Deverill.


Don't forget to come to school in your PE uniform on these days! 



We will be using the story 'Vlad and the Great Fire of London' to support our learning about our topic and our written work in literacy.  We will be comparing London in 1666 and now using conjunctions, we will write descriptions using expanded noun phrases and we will write our own diary entries.  We will then move on to read a traditional tale with a twist - The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig.  We will use talk for writing strategies to innovate the story map and write our own version of the story.


Phonics - Sound and District Primary School


  We will teach phonics to the whole class together.  Some children will work in a separate small group to receive precision teaching and catch up teaching.  We will deliver same day intervention catch up sessions for children who require this.

We are now working on level 6 phonics

Below we will attach parent information sheets which will explain the learning for each week in phonics so you can support your child at home.


Spring 2 week 2

Spring 2 week 3

Spring 2 week 4

Spring 2 week 5

Spring 2 week 6 



Reading Cartoon clipart - Reading, School, Education, transparent clip art


 In school we will listen to your child read their reading book at least once every week, please make sure that it is in school every day.  Please support your child with reading by listening to them read regularly at home.  Just a couple of pages every day makes a huge difference to their confidence.  Remember to record on the Go read app or Boom reader website every time you hear your child read as these signatures will move your child around our 'Readopoly' board.  Reading is the most important piece of homework you can do with your child at this age as reading is the key that unlocks all other areas of learning.  To be successful writers, children first have to be confident and successful readers so your support is invaluable.

Click here to read our literacy 'Always skills' for Year 2. These are what we expect in every piece of writing from children working within year 2 expectations.

Help at Home

You can help your child at home by:

  • Practising common exception words - reading and spelling.

  • Talk about what they are learning in class that week.

  • Encourage your child to read out any writing they complete at home to check it makes sense.

  • Read with your child at least 3 times a week.



In Maths the objectives we will looking at this half term are:

* Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones).

* Use place value and number facts to solve problems.

*Apply their increasing knowledge of mental and written methods- addition and subtraction including two two digit numbers, adding three one digit numbers.

* Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations, including the number line.

* Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables.

* Calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication tables.

* Show that multiplication of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and division of one number by another cannot.

* Solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and multiplication and division facts, including problems in context.

* Identify and describe the properties of 3D shapes, including the number of edges, vertices and faces.

* Compare and sort common 3D shapes and everyday objects.

* Identify 2D shapes on the surface of 3D shapes.

* Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement, including movement in a straight line and distinguishing between a rotation as a turn and in terms of right angles for quarter, half and three quarter turns (clockwise and anti-clockwise).


Help at Home

  • Talking about the learning they have done in  class.

  • Practising counting in 2's, 5's and 10's and learn them as times tables

  • Practise recalling addition and number facts to 20.

  • Encouraging your child to count - add money, count out objects, calculate how many will be left, estimate how many there are etc...

  • Practise telling the time.

Click here to read our maths non-negotiables for year 2

Image result for clip art children reading


Learning Log Challenges  will be given out at the beginning of term and the children can select which activities they would like to do to make a given total of points! These activities need to be returned to school by the end of the term!

Spring 1 Homework

Year 2 expectations

Coppice Values

Each week we have a new value – 12 in total.  The children will have an assembly Monday morning about how to show and give respect to others both in school and at home!  We will be expecting this to be demonstrated to all members of our Coppice community,  it is important that even when we move onto a new value, the old one isn’t lost.


Children can achieve their bronze, silver and gold awards for the core values awards throughout the year for each core value. We will of course keep you informed about how your child is getting on with this throughout the year.


Each week Mrs Seaton will send out a Newsletter that will reflect the value we are working on so that it can also be supported at home.  We look forward to seeing our children bright and early ready to embrace the new weekly challenges!

 Diary Dates



Monday 24th February - INSET Day

Tuesday 25th February - School re-opens for all pupils

Wednesday 5th March - parents evening

Thursday 6th March - World Book Day - dress up day

Friday 7th March - visit Heanor library

Tuesday 11th March - Friday 14th March - Book fair after school

Tuesday 11th March - parents evening

Tuesday 17th March - Great Fire of London online workshop

Wednesday 2nd April - KS1 Easter assembly

Thursday 3rd April - AVSP wellbeing day

Friday 4th April - Gladiator Steel visiting school

Friday 4th April - Break up for Easter

Monday 21st April - Bank Holiday

Tuesday 22nd April - First day of term










We want your children to be happy and enjoy coming to school and learning.  If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to speak to any of us so that we can help. Alternatively you can email using the following email addresses.