Coppice Primary

Planting the seeds of
growth and




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Meet the Team!

Mrs E Jarvis - Year Six class teacher 

Mr J Moreton - HLTA

Mrs S Clarke - Teaching Assistant

Miss P Frost - Teaching Assistant

Please find our time table below so that you know exactly what to expect each day. Please ensure you come dressed in your PE kit on PE days and ensure that watches and jewellery are not worn and that you have long her tied back. 




As you can see we have PE on Tuesday and Wednesday. The school day will begin at 08:45 (this is when the register will be completed) the gate will be open from 08:35 and will close at 08:40. The school day will finish at 15:15. On a Friday you may be invited to the celebration assembly if your child has received star of the week or writer of the week, please look out for an email but remember please don't tell them as we want it to be a lovely surprise.


 Knowledge Organiser


ww2 knowledge organiser 2.pdf



 Please find below a complete breakdown of what we will be covering in each subject this term:

parent overview 4.pdf




 Our Topic focus for each week:

Week 1

World War Two: A timeline of History

Week 2

How did Hitler come to power and become the leader of Germany?

Week 3

How did the second World War begin?

Week 4 and 5

How did the lives of civilians change?

Week 6


Week 7:

What happened to the Jews and other minority groups?


Week 8

How did Britain’s Home Front cope when under attack?

Week 9

How did the Second World War impact specific localities?

Week 10

Why was the Royal Air Force (RAF) so vital to the defence of Britain?

Week 11

What major victories led to Britain winning the war?

Our Literacy over the course of this topic will consist of the following books:
Goodnight Mister Tom
It's the story of young Willie Beech, evacuated to the country as Britain stands on the brink of the Second World War. A sad, deprived child, he slowly begins to flourish under the care of old Tom Oakley - but his new-found happiness is shattered by a summons from his mother back in London. As time goes by Tom begins to worry when Willie doesn't answer his letters, so he goes to London to find him, and there makes a terrible discovery.
Erika's Story
Erika's Story is a beautiful piece of visual storytelling, with large detailed pictures supported by concise text. It recounts the tale of a holocaust survivor, thrown to safety from a death-camp bound train-carriage by her parents.
The Poppy Fields
From a poor girl comforting a grieving soldier, to an unexpected meeting of strangers, to a father's tragic death many decades after treaties were signed, war has shaped Martens's family in profound ways - it is their history as much as any nation's
At home, please read with your child and complete the log on boom reader at least three times a week - the more the merrier! 
We are covering the following skills in Numeracy this term:

Spring 1

Number: Ratio

·        Add or multiply?

·        Using ratio language

·        Introduction to the ratio symbol

·        Ratio and fractions

·        Scale drawing

·        Using scale factors

·        Similar shapes

·        Ratio problems

·        Proportion problems

·        Recipes

Number: Algebra

·        1-step function machines

·        2-step function machines

·        Form expressions

·        Substitution

·        Formulae

·        Form equations

·        Solve 1-step equations

·        Solve 2-step equations

·        Find pairs of values

·        Solve problems with two unknowns

Number: Decimals

·        Place value within 1

·        Place value – integers and decimals

·        Round decimals

·        Add and subtract decimals

·        Multiply by 10, 100 and 1,000

·        Divide by 10, 100 and 1,000

·        Multiply decimals by integers

·        Divide decimals by integers

·        Multiply and divide decimals in context

Number: Fractions, decimals and percentages

·        Decimal and fraction equivalents

·        Fraction as division

·        Understand percentages

·        Fractions to percentages

Spring 2

Number: Fractions, decimals and percentages

·        Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages

·        Order fractions, decimals and percentages

·        Percentage of an amount – one step

·        Percentage of an amount – multi-step

·        Percentages – missing values


Area, perimeter and volume:

·        Shapes – same area Area and perimeter

·        Area of a triangle – counting squares

·        Area of a right-angled triangle

·        Area of any triangle

·        Area of a parallelogram

·        Volume – counting cubes

·        Volume of a cuboid


·        Line graphs

·        Dual bar charts

·        Read and interpret pie charts

·        Pie charts with percentages

·        Draw pie charts

·        The mean

 It is ESSENTIAL that your child fluently knows their times tables both division facts and multiplication and have quick recall on these. This is ongoing homework for them and is vital to their progress this year - they should have their x tables rockstars password and every Friday whoever is the highest in their challenge group will be rewarded and they will be celebrated in class. If you do not have it then please email me.
We have 12 values that we believe are the beating heart of Coppice and we shall refer to these as our "CARE Values" these have been selected in consultation with our children and staff.
C stands for: co-operation, committed and considerate
A stands for: accepting, aspirational and achieving
R stands for: respectful, responsible and resilience
E stands for: excellent, empathetic and enthusiastic

Each week we have a new value – 12 in total.    The children will have an assembly Monday morning about how to show and give respect to others both in school and at home!  We will be expecting this to be demonstrated to all members of our Coppice community,  it is important that even when we move onto a new value, the old one isn’t lost.



Each week Mrs Seaton will sent out a Newsletter that will reflect the value we are working on so that it can also be supported at home.  We look forward to seeing our children bright and early ready to embrace the new weekly challenges!


6th  January – Back to school

 20th/22nd January - Stay and learn SPAG with Kestrels class

7th February-  Kestrels class out at Perlethorpe all day for their WW2     


11th  February – Internet Safety day

13th February – Young Voices concert in Sheffield

14th February – Last day of term




We want your children to be happy and enjoy coming to school and learning.  If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact me via email using the following email address: