Coppice Primary

Planting the seeds of
growth and

The Computing Curriculum in School: 

Intent Statement: 

At Coppice Primary School we believe that the use of ICT is an integral part of the National Curriculum as it is a key part of everyday, modern - working life. We recognise that children learn best when they are inspired, engaged and able to access a range of quality devices to support the growth of their knowledge, skills and experiences within the Computing curriculum.  

We are a well-resourced school with iPads, netbooks, recording devices, programmable toys and interactive whiteboards to support the delivery of high quality Computing lessons. We have a subscription to Purple Mash that follows a programme of study that fulfils the National Curriculum. 

Our Aims: 

- To embed a thorough understanding of how to use and access a range of ICT devices SAFELY and RESPONSIBLY and what to do if they do not feel safe online. 

- To provide a relevant, challenging and enjoyable computing curriculum for all pupils. 

- To meet the requirements of the National Curriculum programmes of study for computing. 

- To use Computing as a tool to enhance learning throughout the curriculum. 

- To respond to new developments in technology. 

- To equip pupils with the confidence and capability to use Computing in the modern world and to develop their skills in the work place for later adult life. 


The three stands of Computing: ‘Computer Science’, ‘Information Technology’ and ‘Digital Literacy’ are taught using the Purple Mash scheme, with Online Safety underpinning all learning. 


Online Safety is a key part of our Computing Curriculum. Children are taught about the three areas of risk that they could encounter – inappropriate content, conduct and contact. This is done throughout the year during the different planned computing topics. It is also taught discreetly to all pupils according to their age, needs and current issues that are arising at the time. We also plan and deliver stand - alone sessions as part of our Safer Internet Day each February. 

Please click the link to access our Computing Policy Document: 

Computing Policy 2024 

 Through the Purple Mash scheme the children will learn: 

EYFS: The Early Learning Goals no longer focus on technology. However, the children will have opportunities to explore different types of technology to enhance their other areas of learning and development. 

Nursery and Reception classes have interactive whiteboards, which are used to support their education and provide experience of technologies. Appropriate websites and online content will be used to enhance and support learning experiences.  The children are made aware of different technologies through role play provision and adult-led activities they will use devices such as iPads, keyboards and programmable and remote controlled toys to reflect experiences in the world around them.  

Year One: 

- Online Safety

- Technology outside of school. 

- Grouping and Sorting. 

- Animated stories. 

- Maze Explorers

- Spread sheets. 

- Lego Builders

- Coding 

Please follow the link below to see the Purple Mash objectives and Overview for Year One:

Year 1 Overview

Year Two: 

- Online Safety

- Coding

- Creating Pictures

- Spread sheets

- Presenting Ideas

- Questioning 

- Effective Searching

- Making Music

Please follow the link below to see the Purple Mash objectives and Overview for Year Two:

Year Two Overview

Year Three: 

- Online Safety

- Spread sheets

- Coding

- Touch Typing

- Simulation

- Email

- Branching Database and Graphing

- Presenting 

Please follow the link below to see the Purple Mash objectives and Overview for Year Three:

Year 3 Overview

Year Four: 

- Online Safety 

- Effective Searching 

- Coding and Logo 

- Hardware

- Spread sheets

- Writing for a different audience

- Animation

Please follow the link below to see the Purple Mash objectives and Overview for Year Four:

Year 4 Overview

Year Five: 

- Online Safety

- Coding

- Spread sheets and Data Bases

- Game Creator 

- 3D Modelling

- Concept Maps and Word Processing

Please follow the link below to see the Purple Mash objectives and Overview for Year Five:

Year Five Overview

Year Six: 

- Online Safety 

- Coding

- Blogging

- Text Adventures 

- Networks and Quizzing

- Binary 

Please follow the link below to see the Purple Mash objectives and Overview for Year Six:

Year Six Overview

Information for Parents: 

Please access the leaflets below on how to support your child to stay safe online when using technology at home: 

Safer Internet Day: We will be celebrating Safer Internet Day in school on 11th  February 2025. The children in each year group will focus on a range of tasks to support them to understand how to stay safe online.