Coppice Primary

Planting the seeds of
growth and

Music in our school



 Music connects us all. We recognise it is a performing art tool which inspires creativity, is a means of self-expression and steers children on their musical journeys as well as giving them opportunities to connect with others.


It is a universal language that allows us to connect across the world, encouraging diversity and multicultural understanding. Giving children an understanding of creative developments over time.


We encourage children to adopt a life-long love and enjoyment by exposing them to a wealth of musical experiences and igniting a passion for music.


Music affects emotions and is beneficial to our well-being. It forms our identity, promotes a sense of community and belonging. It enhances self-esteem and self-discipline, nurturing transferable skills.

Key Learning 






Identify in music, cultural or historical influences and have opinions about these in the context of the world. Appreciate different tastes in music and value the opinions of others.

Analyse music to identify techniques, musical elements and instrumentation to enable children to become a discerning listener.

Use and apply knowledge of a wide range of techniques to confidently create pieces of music, express themselves and communicate with others.

With courage, perform to an audience to enable confident and collaborative working. Celebrate success at all levels. Perform with others, building resilience and teamwork.


In the Early Years, children begin to develop prerequisite skills for Music through the prime areas of Communication and Language by listening carefully and learning rhymes and songs.  Children also develop skills through the specific area of EYFS – Expressive Arts and Design using the strand - Being imaginative and Expressive.  The children will sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs; they will also sing and perform songs, rhymes, poems and stories with others and try to move in time with music.


In EYFS this is implemented through:


  • Directed teaching (Charanga/Music time/singing time/maths and story time)
  • Playing a range of music throughout the day (from different times/cultures)
  • Listening time
  • Dance and movement brain breaks
  • Dough Disco
  • Musical instruments
  • Visitors and workshops
  • Singing in assembly
  • Photographs
  • Short film
  • Continuous provision (music area, mud kitchen)

We follow Charanga as part of our music curriculum.

 Throughout the year all classes are given the opportunity to experience drumming lessons from DCP drumming. We also offer private tuition for drumming and woodwind instruments, please contact the office for more information.

All children in Year Four have a weekly ukulele lesson from the music partnership wider opportunities team. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn a new skill, taught by professional musicians. During the year the children will perform two concerts for parents, carers and family to enjoy. They also perform with other Derbyshire Schools at the Halle in June.