Coppice Primary

Planting the seeds of
growth and

Safer Working Practice Statement

Our school is committed to safeguarding children and promoting children’s welfare and expects all staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment and maintain a vigilant and safe environment.

It is our willingness to work in a safe manner and challenge inappropriate behaviour that underpins this commitment.  Everyone is expected to adhere to this ‘Code of Conduct’ and the DfE’s ‘Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Adults who work with Children and Young People in Educational Settings (2015) which is available on the school’s website.

Our school code of conduct aims to support adults so they don’t work in a manner which might lead to an allegation against them. Equally it aims to reduce the opportunity for any adult intent on grooming or harming a young person. It encourages everyone to work in an open and transparent way that should avoid someone questioning their motives, intentions or suitability to work with young people.

 It is a key principle of our code of conduct that everyone understands their responsibility to share without delay concerns they may have about a child’s welfare or an adult’s behaviour towards a young person. In addition, everyone has a responsibility to escalate their concerns to the Local Authority Designated Officer (‘whistle blow’) if they feel that safeguarding concerns they have raised about a child or adult working at the school are not being addressed by the school.

 All visitors must sign in and wear the school’s visitor badge. In addition, visiting professionals will also be expected to show and wear their photo ID badge provided by their employer. Only adults who present an Enhanced Criminal Records Certificate or a letter from their employer stating one is in place can work unsupervised with children. Key professionals including Social Workers, Ofsted, Police, Health Professionals and Educational Psychologists will only be required to present their photo ID as their employer will have ensured an enhanced CRB is in place. They may be required to present a letter from their employer confirming their post is subject to an enhanced CRB.  Everyone is reminded it is a criminal offence to seek work whether paid or voluntary, having been barred or convicted of offences and deemed unsuitable to work with children.