Coppice Primary

Planting the seeds of
growth and

Safeguarding at Coppice Primary School and Nursery


If you have any concerns in regards safeguarding of children during the holiday please email our dedicated safeguarding email :  

Emails to this address are checked daily by a member of the safeguarding team and will be acted upon.  If it is an urgent concern and are worried about a child's safety then please contact Call Derbyshire tel: 01692 533190 immediately


Please CLICK HERE for our most recent Safeguarding policy - September 2024

Please CLICK HERE for a copy of Keeping Children Safe in Education - September 2023

 Please CLICK HERE for a copy of our child on child policy 

 Please CLICK HERE for a copy of our Private fostering policy 

Please CLICK HERE for a copy of our Separated parents policy 

NSPCC  link


NSPCC helpline

Internet Matters

Online safety - internet matters guide - Ages 6 - 10

Online safety - internet matters guide - Ages 11 - 13

 Stop it Now!

CEOP safety centre