to the Badger's Class Page!
Hello and welcome to Year 3! We are Badgers, known for being hardworking and loyal!
Please take note of our school times. The school day begins at 08:45 (this is when the register will be completed) the gate will be open from 08:35 and will close at 08:40. The school day will finish at 15:15. Also with our daily assembly, on a Friday you may be invited in if your child has got special envelope or writer of the week so please look out for this on your emails but also please don't tell them as it is a lovely surprise.
We are all here to help you:
Meet the Staff
Miss J Whitehead - Year Three class teacher
Mrs Z Hussain - Teaching Assistant/HLTA
Miss K Harding - Teaching Assistant
Please click on the link below to access our class timetable for Autumn 2 so that you can see what is happening each day:
Here is our topic overview for this half term:
P.E. this half term is on a Monday and Thursday afternoon and the children will be doing Karate and Gymnastics. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on Mondays and Thursdays and that earrings have been removed in advance.
Maths Homework:
It is ESSENTIAL that your child fluently knows their times tables both division facts and multiplication and have quick recall on these. Therefore, Maths homework will be sent home weekly on a Wednesday and will be due in for the Friday of the same week.
Reading as much as possible will really help your child’s progress at school. Please ensure that your child reads at home at least three times each week you need to record reads on the Boom Reader App.
Please look at the literacy non-negotiables to see what is expected in Year 3.
This half term we are focussing on: recounts and non-chronological reports.
We will be focussing on these texts:
Our SPAG sessions will focus on: sentence types (statements, commands, questions and exclamations), prepositions, co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions, adverbs and adverbials, commas in a list and apostrophes for contractions.
Our spelling focus, is the Year 3/4 statutory spellings. We will be doing an investigation on different spelling rules every two weeks and finding words with the same phoneme and graphemes as our spellings. We will also be having daily spelling tasks every two weeks, focussing on different skills.
Please look at the maths non-negotiables to see what is expected in Year 3.
This half term the children will be focussing on multiplication and division and length and perimeter.
We will be focussing on the following skills:
-Multiplying and dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number with and without exchange.
-Linking multiplication and division.
-Measuring in metres, centimetres and millimetres.
-Finding equivalent lengths.
-Comparing lengths.
-Adding and subtracting lengths.
-Measuring and calculating perimeter.
Our topic for this term is Solid as a Rock- Stone Age to Iron Age
Our Topic work will, link closely to our Literacy work. We are focussing on the Stone Age and its physical and human geography. Each week we will be exploring a key question which will develop our History and Geography skills:
Week 1: What was life like in the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic?
DT- What is seasonal food?
Week 2: What changed from the Palaeolithic to the Mesolithic?
DT- How are seasonal fruits grown and processed?
Week 3- Creswell Crags Trip.
DT- What forms an important part of a healthy and varied diet?
Week 4: What did people eat in the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic?
DT- How does seasonally produced meat form part of a healthy diet?
Week 5: How did the search for food change in the Neolithic?
DT- Design a meal using seasonal food.
Week 6: What tools were used in the Neolithic?
DT- Make and evaluate seasonal meal.
Please see our knowledge organiser for key vocabulary and knowledge the children will be learning this half term.
We also have topic homework that should be completed in the purple homework books and we will have a show and tell on the last day of term to show what we have done.
Awards 2023-2024
We are very excited to be starting work on our new values system when we come back in school in January. Each week we have a new value – 12 in total. The children will have an assembly Monday morning about how to show our care values both in school and at home! We will be expecting this to be demonstrated to all members of our Coppice community, it is important that even when we move onto a new value, the old one isn’t lost.
Our new core values will now form the basis of our ambassador passports (these have now been renamed – core value passports and the children can achieve their bronze, silver and gold awards throughout the year for each core value. We will of course keep you informed about how your child is getting on with this throughout the year.
Each week Mrs Seaton will send out a Newsletter that will reflect the value we are working on so that it can also be supported at home. We look forward to seeing our children bright and early ready to embrace the new weekly challenges
Monday 6th January- Back to School!
Friday 24th January- Creswell Crags Trip for Badgers.
Tuesday 11th February- Internet Safety Day
Thursday 13th February- Young Voices Concert in Sheffield
Friday 14th February- Last Day of Term.